Hercules fountain ©Martin Augsburger/Stadt Augsburg
Images & press releases
Press section
Here you will find royalty-free images and press releases about the World Heritage City of Augsburg.
The images may only be used for communication about Augsburg World Heritage.
The copyright (©Martin Augsburger/City of Augsburg) must be indicated.
Press Images

Power plant at the Proviantbach
Power plant at the Proviantbach ©Martin Augsburger/Stadt Augsburg

Power plant at the Wertachkanal
Power plant at the Wertachkanal ©Martin Augsburger/Stadt Augsburg

Eastern and Middle Lech (canal)
Eastern and Middle Lech (canal) ©Martin Augsburger/Stadt Augsburg

Engine room at Waterworks at Hochablass
Engine room at Waterworks at Hochablass ©Martin Augsburger/Stadt Augsburg